Captain Blair Servos

RLA - Teachers

Blair Servos is in his twentieth year of service at the Academy. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Brock University and his Masters of Education from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. Blair can often be found juggling equations and formulas in either intermediate Mathematics and Science or senior Physics. In addition to his classroom duties, Blair is the math and science tutor in our weekly Academic Club. When asked about his longevity at the Academy, Blair was quick to highlight the importance of non-academic opportunities for the boys: the Fall Exercise, Parachute Wings, RCAC, and SCUBA. When Blair is not graphing lines or rearranging equations, he is chauffeuring his three boys Brody, Peyton, and Mason. In fact, Lt. Servos has the geographical landscapes of Ontario charted into Tim Hortons locations and small-town arenas, since his summers are spent watching lacrosse and his winters are spent coaching hockey. Although making connections in the classroom has become a passionate vocation, his most cherished time is the connections he makes with his sons on the long car rides to Florida.

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