Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is the school and where are you located?

Enrolment at Robert Land Academy is approximately 125 boys in residence. Applications are received from across Canada, the United States, Europe and elsewhere around the globe.  The Academy is located in a country setting on 168 acres in the heart of the historic Niagara Peninsula, 60 minutes southwest of Toronto, Ontario and 50 minutes north of the U.S./Canada Border.

What academics do you offer?

The Academy offers classes from grade 5 through to Grade 12.  Our caring and dedicated faculty and staff are employed to provide all aspects of cadet training on a 24-hour basis.  Consistent personal attention, mandatory study halls, regular tutorials and weekend academic programming all converge to provide a highly motivational learning environment. All courses assume that students intend to attend university or college. Students entering from streamed programs are destreamed in order to maximize post-secondary options.

What adventure activities do you run at the Academy?

Boys are challenged with a wide array of adventure activities including scuba diving, parachute training, rock climbing, and canoeing. We also run many trips throughout the year with students able to participate in events such as the Bataan Death March, where participants complete a marathon distance.

What extra-curricular activities are on offer?

In addition to our adventure activities (scuba, parachuting, rock climbing, rappelling, airsoft, archery and canooeing) we also run clubs throughout the week. Currently we offer:

  • soccer
  • boxing
  • track and field
  • chess
  • golf
  • basketball
  • wrestling
  • engineering
  • wood working
  • music
  • drumline
  • weights
  • throwing
  • bowling
  • cards
  • lego
  • boardgames
  • coding
  • newsletter/yearbook

What is a typical day for a student?

Boys live in barracks-style dorms. On a typical day, boys rise at 6:30 am and lights out are at 9:45 pm. Classes are held from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with evening classes offered for grade 9 and 10 students and a credit physical education course offered on weekends. Each boy is required to participate in extracurricular activities, designed to develop physical strength, leadership, and a sense of self-worth. Boys return home approximately once a month for a four day weekend and may apply for additional leaves if their effort warrants extra privileges.

Can students use their cellphones while at RLA?

No, we differ from many schools in this respect. Students have no access to their phones while on campus, but they are able to speak with their parents regularly via skype calls.

Do students have access to computers and the internet?

Yes, students have access to chromebooks for academic purposes and internet use is closely supervised. Use of personal devices is not permitted.

What athletics are there?

The sports program teaches the value of fitness, endurance, teamwork, self-discipline and the pursuit of excellence. The Academy offers a wide range of activities some of which are rarely found in other private schools. Varsity sports teams compete with other area secondary schools. See our athletics page.

Is the school inspected?

Robert Land Academy is an inspected private school and is in receipt of a Ministry of Education (Ontario) Board School Identification Number (BSID). The Academy is authorized by the Ministry to grant credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). This diploma is issued by the government and is recognized worldwide.

Who is the typical applicant?

Boys are admitted to Robert Land Academy based upon their potential rather than their past. They are typically of above average intelligence but with marks that do not reflect their ability. They tend to have difficulty or be unwilling to concentrate on things that do not interest them and assume that they will enjoy the living standard by their parents as adults regardless of their effort. Some boys demonstrate characteristics of ADD, ADHD, ODD, DCD or LD.

Are you with the Cadet Corps?

Yes. All students are part of the Robert Land Academy Cadets Corp. The Academy hosts a Royal Canadian (Army) Cadet Corps (RCACC #2968), which is operated as a weekly session for all our students.

What medical care can students expect?

Robert Land Academy has a physician attending the school twice a week and a nurse attending three times a week. Physiotherapists visit twice a week, and a mental health professional visits weekly. Boys entering the Academy with prescriptions will have their medications administered by staff and monitored by medical professionals. Additionally we are partnered with ‘Contact Niagara’ and ‘Hillcrest Psychology’ to offer every new student a mental health assessment and additional support should it be necessary.

How often can students phone home?

All students are scheduled at least one skype call per week with additional calls being earned by students gaining their cadet. Students in positions of responsibility are also able to earn longer calls. Additional calls may be granted for special occasions and extenuating circumstances.

School Fees FAQs

Can I speak to a parent who has sent their son to RLA?

Absolutely! We have a number of parents from all grades who are willing to share their experiences with the Academy. Please contact to arrange a conversation.

Are tuition payments tax deductible?

Under certain conditions, Canadian tax law may provide tax relief for certain individuals.  Typically this relief falls under three categories:


  • Childcare Expenses
  • Medical Expenses
  • Health and Welfare Trusts

What is Child Care Expense Deduction?

Where a child is under 16 years of age, that portion of fees attributable to lodging at a boarding school may be eligible for consideration as a child care expense deduction. To learn more, read the Canada Revenue Agency TaxFolio S1-F3-C1: Child Care Expense Deduction.

Medical Expense and Disability Tax Credits and Attendant Care Expense Deduction

The costs paid for the care, or the care and training, of a patient at a school, institution or other place may qualify as a medical expense credit providing certain criteria are met. To learn more, read the Canadian Revenue Agency TaxFolio S1-F1-C1: Medical Expense Tax Credit.

How can I utilize Health & Welfare Trust?

Certain individuals who own an incorporated business may benefit from utilizing a Health and Welfare Trust solution for the payment of school fees. To learn more, read the Canadian Revenue Agency Tax Folio S2-F1-C1: Health and Welfare Trusts.

Medical Expense and Disability Tax Credits and Attendant Care Expense Deduction

The costs paid for the care, or the care and training, of a patient at a school, institution or other place may qualify as a medical expense credit providing certain criteria are met. To learn more, read the Canadian Revenue Agency TaxFolio S1-F1-C1: Medical Expense Tax Credit.

What is the Robert Land Academy Disclaimer?

The preceding resources are offered for informational purposes only. Robert Land Academy does not guarantee or warranty the accuracy of the information or one’s eligibility under any of these options. We recognize that each case is unique and subject to interpretation by others, including the Canada Revenue Agency, and is judged upon its own merit. Robert Land Academy does not receive any payment or other consideration from any of the organizations listed. For further information, please call our admissions office at 905-386-6205.

Online Payments FAQs

How do I make a payment?

Robert Land Academy has partnered with Plastiq, an online payment provider, to allow you to use your existing credit card to make payments more conveniently through their secure online system. By partnering with Plastiq, we can offer you the option to make payments for school fees or to a student’s tuck account by using your existing MasterCard or Visa credit card. Plastiq assess a nominal fee of 2.5% (subject to change) of the total amount for the transaction. For more information about Plastiq, review the FAQ section below or visit their website at


To make an online payment with your credit card, click on this payment link


RLA - Plastiq

Will paying with a credit card cost me more?

Normal credit card processing times apply. Payments are approved instantly, and funding may take from 1-3 business days. Contact a Plastiq payment specialist if you have questions. Go to for more information.

What can I pay for through Plastiq?

Payments for school registration and school fees, as well as for a student’s tuck account may be made through this online payment service.

Why should I pay with Plastiq?

Making payments through Plastiq is as simple as any other online transaction you have made with a credit card. You can use your existing MasterCard, Visa or American Express, and there is no registration required to use the service. For more information about making payments through Plastiq, visit

What is Plastiq?

Plastiq is an online payment platform that provides a convenient and secure way to make payments with your credit cards and earn rewards.

Why am I being charged a fee?

Plastiq provides its payment platform to simplify the payment process while providing a convenient and flexible option for students. The fee that is assessed is one that is typically paid by the merchant for accepting credit cards and covers the costs of processing credit card transactions.

Can I still pay in person?

Yes. We are simply adding a new option that allows you to make payments with a credit card.

Will paying with a credit card cost me more?

Plastiq assesses a nominal fee for the service. For each transaction, two charges will appear on your credit card statement: 1) the principal amount of the payment, and 2) the fee. The service fee is 2.5% of the principal amount. This rate is subject to change at the discretion of Plastiq. The service fee rate will be published on the Plastiq transaction site.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.