Navigating the Military School Admissions Process: A Brief Guide
If you’re considering enrolling your child at a boarding school, you have a daunting task ahead. There is a lot of variety in terms of the type of program and education model.
One model you might consider is military-inspired boarding schools. These schools use the military model to encourage effort, promote physical fitness, and provide a values-based philosophy emphasizing responsibility and accountability. This unique combination of academic excellence, discipline, and character development helps students unlock their potential. However, the admissions process can seem intimidating.
This brief guide will walk you through the RLA admissions process.
Step 1: Do Your Research
The most critical factor in selecting a school for your child is fit. Look at what the school offers and compare it to your child’s academic, physical, and emotional goals. We encourage families to spend time on the Academy’s website to understand our program.
Step 2: Check the Eligibility Requirements
Does your son fit the gender, age, and academic criteria? At Robert Land Academy, our program is for boys, grades 5-12, and all our courses are geared to prepare our students for university-level learning. While university acceptance isn’t our sole objective at the Academy, we want our students to graduate with options for their future. We offer a rigorous academic program with plenty of academic support.
Step 3: Book Your Information Session
Robert Land Academy offers no-obligation information sessions. This allows you to meet with an admissions team member online or visit the school to see if it could be the right place for your son. The staff will provide ample information and send you an information package and videos to review. This also allows you to get a sense of the people who will be working with your child.
Step 4: Ask for a Parent Reference
Sending your child to a boarding school is a difficult decision. I encourage you to ask for a parent reference. Speaking to one of our current families can be quite helpful. While our admissions team is knowledgeable and helpful, you can gain an insider perspective from a parent reference. These parents have relatable experiences and understand what you are going through trying to make this decision.
Step 5: Involve Your Son in the Process
Take time with your son to discuss the schools you might be considering. Discuss the benefits of each school you might be considering and explain how the schools address his individual needs. When discussing Robert Land Academy, understand your son might have apprehensions about attending a military-inspired school and listen to their concerns. The Academy should be presented as a unique opportunity for growth and development.
Step 6: Schedule Your Son’s Interview
After your information session, you will receive an interview form and be asked to send in your son’s recent report card or transcript. Once these documents are ready, schedule your son’s interview with the admissions office. Talk to your son about his goals and any questions he may have for the Academy to prepare him for the interview and ease the stress he may be feeling. Encourage him to keep an open mind and ask lots of questions.
Step 7: Complete the Application
Upon successful completion of the interview, an offer of admission will be made to your son. At that time, you will receive various documents regarding financing, medical history, and general information you must complete. Upon receipt of each of these forms and payment of fees, your son will be admitted to the Academy and given his start date.
Step 8: Prepare for the Transition
Help your child prepare for the transition to school by familiarizing them with school policy, trying out some of the physical exercise requirements, and implementing a few of the school rules, such as curfews or limiting screen time. All these things will help with your son’s adjustment.
In conclusion, the admissions process for military boarding schools requires careful planning and attention to detail. At Robert Land Academy, you will have friendly admissions staff who are always happy to help you do your research, prepare your child, and keep on top of document submissions. Together, you can navigate this process successfully and open the door to a unique educational experience that can shape your son’s future in a positive way.