Brigadier-General C.C. Ayotte, OMM, MSM, CD, Retired

Chief of Staff Army Strategy

Brigadier-General Ayotte (ret’d) enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1992 under the Reserve Entry Training Program. He first attended Royal Roads Military College in Victoria, and then graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), Kingston, in 1996 with an undergraduate degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering. Upon completion of Military Engineer training in Chilliwack, he served in 1 Combat Engineer Regiment (CER), Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering (CFSME), 2 CER, and finally 4 Engineer Support Regiment as the Commanding Officer.

BGen Ayotte’s international deployments have been to the Balkans, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. He has served on multiple domestic operations across the country in response to floods, ice storms, forest fires, hurricanes, and ground search and rescue. His extra regimental appointments include service with 1st Canadian Division Headquarters as the CO DART / J35, Canadian Army HQ as DAS 2, 4th Canadian Division Headquarter as the COS, and RMC as the Director of Cadets.

BGen Ayotte is a graduate of the Australian Command and Staff Course in Canberra, Australia and the National Security Programme at Canadian Forces College in Toronto.

Brigadier-General Ayotte was appointed Chief of Staff Army Strategy on August 2020.

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