
Introduction ODD

Did your son’s problems appear overnight?

Then why would you expect them to disappear overnight?

Robert Land Academy is more than a typical boy’s boot camp – it is a military-inspired boarding school for boys specializing in helping young men realize their potential.

We Make it Happen

Many Schools in the public education system just don’t have the funding, resources, training, or knowledge to effectively teach every child. If your child has a learning disability, is prone to disruptive behaviour, or is building unhealthy interpersonal relationships, this can impact his grades and future prospects. At Robert Land Academy, our mission is to help guide boys to success.
More Than a Boot Camp for Boys.

It may be tempting to send your son to a boy’s boot camp to set his behaviour on the “right track” – but this isn’t a long-term solution.

Student learning in class

At Robert Land Academy, we offer a specialized living and learning program that runs throughout the entire school year. Our military school model promotes independence, self-discipline, cooperation, social skills development, healthy living, and the desire to learn.

Does This Sound Like Your Son?


He’s bright, but traditional education has not been able to motivate him, and he feels excluded.


He has difficulty concentrating on things that do not interest him – especially academics.


It’s hard for him to work with others and stay on task.


He challenges authority and struggles with establishing healthy relationships with family and friends.


He wants to achieve belonging, recognition, self-confirmation, and success, but he doesn’t know how.

The Benefits

  • Small classes, an inclusive environment, and personal attention to detail lead to dramatic improvements in academic performance and attitude in the first semester.
  • A military-inspired lifestyle establishes stability, routine, and improved personal hygiene habits.
  • A healthy diet, daily exercise, and proper amounts of sleep help improve overall health.
  • Exercises that help improve social, time management, and organizational skills as well as cooperation, self-discipline, confidence, and other successful traits and skills.
  • Staff experienced in learning disabilities like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and other Learning Disabilities.
  • Improved relationships with family and friends set boys on the road to personal success.

Our staff are skilled and experienced in helping boys with learning challenges or behavioural issues achieve academic success, and 100% of our grade 12 graduates are accepted to college or university. Robert Land Academy offers more than a boys boot camp – we offer the opportunity to help boys realize their potential.

Testimonials From Parents

''We registered our son here this year during a global pandemic. The school has been absolutely wonderful in quelling any of our or our son’s concerns. We recently finished a Christmas break with our son home for three weeks. We saw amazing results after him having only been at the school for 4 months. He has matured and made great strides in managing his temper and communicating clearly and effectively rather than resulting in a huge fight. The journey isn’t over but we finally see a light at the end of our dark tunnel. I believe this school has changed the direction of our son’s life in an immeasurably positive way.''
Krista B (Parent, 2021)
Very Impressed! We were hesitant on sending our son to a private boarding school. We knew he would thrive with structure and routine. This was something we couldn’t give him at home. Robert Land Academy instilled the values of hard work, respect and perseverance in our son. Small classes with one on one instruction and mandatory study halls helped our son achieve higher grades and confidence. We knew he always had it in him.
Thomas S (Parent, 2021)
My son is currently in his third year at this school. It’s awesome. So glad we found this place! Lots of discipline, lots of structure for sure. But what I appreciate even more is the genuine care and concern for my boy that I sense from all the teachers and staff whenever I speak to them. They know boys and they are passionate about seeing boys develop and mature well. My boy has a lot of challenges and struggles. Many schools would have given up on him long ago. Not RLA. They willingly take on his challenges and, slowly but surely, we’re seeing some wonderful results. We’re not rich. Financially it’s been a struggle but this is money very well spent.
Karl T (Parent, 2020)
Our son attended RLA for 4 years. Each year we gave him the choice to return or not. He enthusiastically chose to return and graduated as an Ontario Scholar. His work ethic, study skills, and grades all improved, but more importantly he grew into a strong minded individual and is a great adult. There was a lot of tough love at RLA. When we and he reflect on those days, he would not trade it for anything. Any young man wanting or needing to be better than who he is today would greatly benefit from RLA. Will it be easy; NO. Will it be worth it; YES.
Doug D (Parent, 2020)

Latest News and Events

Murray Rodd O.O.M., CD

Murray Rodd is a retired police officer having completed a 35 year career with Peterborough Police Service, serving the last decade as Chief of Police. Murray attributes his career success to his youth experiences gained as member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Program. The lessons learned in those formative years were the basis of [...]

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem in Students

Confidence and self-esteem are critical components of a young person’s development, especially during the transformative school years. At Robert Land Academy, we place a strong emphasis on building these essential traits in our students. Through a structured, supportive environment and challenging programs, we help students reach their full potential and tackle difficult obstacles, fostering a strong sense of self-worth and resilience.

Fostering Responsibility and Accountability in Schools

At Robert Land Academy, we believe fostering responsibility and accountability is crucial for student development. These values prepare students for academic success and equip them with essential life skills that will serve them throughout their lives. In our structured, military-inspired environment, we emphasize the importance of responsibility and accountability in every aspect of student life.

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Is your son bright, inquiring, energetic and testing the limits?

Sounds like a recipe for success to us.

What is a highly structured program?

Since 1978, Robert Land Academy has offered extensive academic remediation, small class sizes, monitored study halls, tutorials, and an active athletic program for boys. Utilizing the military school model provides the foundation of a structured and disciplined learning and living community with a focus on emotional, intellectual and social well-being.

How does the Academy avoid distractions?

Having a boys-only boarding school allows us to focus on their specific developmental needs and unique ways of learning. The military-inspired boarding school environment also allows for the elimination of the many distractions which are forever present in the home or traditional day school settings, including video games and personal electronic devices.

What is the Academy’s postsecondary enrolment?

The structured program at our school prepares boys for their future and helps them to achieve success by focusing on their strengths as they develop self-discipline. Students are challenged to achieve true potential, with 100% of our graduates over the past decade being placed in university or college programs.

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Here’s what the parent of a former student had to say about our ADHD school program.
“As a concerned parent, it was so disheartening to watch helplessly as Sean’s amazing potential evaporated in our modern, unstructured educational system….I am so proud of the effort Sean has put into all aspects of the RLA program and I am very happy for Sean because he is now experiencing healthy, positive success as a result of his positive efforts.”
Dr. T. McKay, parent
“Before he attended Robert Land, we saw a son who had little if any respect for either himself or his fellow-man. Now we see a son who believes in himself and who wants to get involved in the world. This is truly an amazing accomplishment in two short years.”
B. Busch, parent
“As a concerned parent, it was so disheartening to watch helplessly as Sean’s amazing potential evaporated in our modern, unstructured educational system….I am so proud of the effort Sean has put into all aspects of the RLA program and I am very happy for Sean because he is now experiencing healthy, positive success as a result of his positive efforts.”
Dr. T. McKay, parent

Robert Land Academy

provides a highly structured motivating program that helps boys to focus their energies and abilities in a constructive self-affirming manner free from the numerous distractions that so often confuse and distract them.
The program has demonstrated success for over 40 years and produced a proven track record of responding to the needs of boys as they navigate through the turbulence of adolescence. Though supportive of the needs of all boys, it has also shown itself to be highly effective in dealing with those diagnosed with some learning and behavioral disabilities including ADHD.
The Robert Land Academy program encourages the growth of self- confidence, self-regulation and self-determination. By regaining control of themselves, they are better able to identify and pursue goals and realize ambitions as they approach graduation and the prospect of adulthood.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.