Financial Assistance Request

Robert Land Academy recognizes that enrollment into our program represents a significant investment for a family.  Those families who require financial assistance for the payment of fees may make application to The Founder’s Scholarship Fund.  Financial assistance is need-based and is established to provide support for applicants to Robert Land Academy. Financial assistance through this fund should be the last, not the first, resource considered when funding your child’s education.


A confidential application must be completed by all parents or guardians who are financially responsible for the enrolled student.  A two-part application process is required:

Part 1:  Complete the online form below. This form is only to notify the Academy that you are making an application for financial assistance.  You may also provide additional information in the “Comments” section of this form, or upload other documents, letters, etc., which you feel should be considered with your application. Do not include any financial information on this form.

Part 2:  Submit financial information through Apple Financial Services.   All financial information on the application is reviewed by an independent financial services firm which undertakes an objective, consistent and professional analysis of a family’s resources. Apple Financial Services will provide to the scholarship committee a confidential summary of a family’s financial ability to contribute toward their child’s tuition. This application will incorporate items such as family income, family assets, indebtedness, the number of children, the age of parents, and unusual family or medical expenses.  An application fee of $115 (subject to change) is payable directly to Apple Financial Services.  For further information about Apple Financial Services or to begin this portion of your online application process, visit their website at

Robert Land Academy manages all requests for financial assistance with the highest level of discretion and confidentiality and expects that applicants will do the same with the decision made by the scholarship committee.

Application Deadline: 

PART ONE: Complete the following online form:

Upload Any Additional Files Here: You may upload additional non-financial information which you feel should be considered when evaluating your application. DO NOT include financial information on this submission. Files must be less than 10 MB. Allowed file types: jpg jpeg pdf doc docx xls.

I recognize that there are many factors which may be considered when evaluating my request for financial assistance. I further recognize that Robert Land Academy has no obligation to provide any explanation once a decision is made about such a request.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.